
GET api/Account/UserInfo

No documentation available.

POST api/Account/Logout

No documentation available.

GET api/Account/ManageInfo?returnUrl={returnUrl}&generateState={generateState}

No documentation available.

POST api/Account/ChangePassword

No documentation available.

POST api/Account/SetPassword

No documentation available.

POST api/Account/AddExternalLogin

No documentation available.

POST api/Account/RemoveLogin

No documentation available.

GET api/Account/ExternalLogin?provider={provider}&error={error}

No documentation available.

GET api/Account/ExternalLogins?returnUrl={returnUrl}&generateState={generateState}

No documentation available.

POST api/Account/Register

No documentation available.

POST api/Account/RegisterExternal

No documentation available.


POST api/EnterpriseUser/Get

JSON parameters: UPN. Return type = [AppSvcs].[EnterpriseUsers]. Return format = JSON.

POST api/EnterpriseUser/GetApplicationRoles

JSON parameters: EnterpriseUserId, ApplicationId. Return type = [Authorization].[Roles]. Return format = JSON. This method originally created for the CSC application.

POST api/EnterpriseUser/GetProjects

JSON paramters: EnterpriseUserId. Returns the list of projects that the specified user can access. Return format = JSON. This method originally created for use by the CSC application.

POST api/EnterpriseUser/GetDetailedProjects

JSON paramters: EnterpriseUserId. Returns the list of projects that the specified user can access, same as api/EnterpriseUser/GetProjects but with additional fields. Return format = JSON. This method originally created for use by the PDM application.

POST api/EnterpriseUser/GetDetailedProjectsByPop

JSON paramters: EnterpriseUserId, Year, ProjectTypeId, PopulationId. Returns the list of project types that the specified user can access, same as api/EnterpriseUser/GetDetailedProjects but returns only distinct project types. Return format = JSON. This method originally created for use by the PDM application.

POST api/EnterpriseUser/GetDetailedProjects_ProjectTypes

JSON paramters: EnterpriseUserId, Year. Returns the list of project types that the specified user can access, same as api/EnterpriseUser/GetDetailedProjects but returns only distinct project types. Return format = JSON. This method originally created for use by the PDM application.

POST api/EnterpriseUser/GetDetailedProjects_Populations

JSON paramters: EnterpriseUserId, Year, ProjectTypeId. Returns the list of project types that the specified user can access, same as api/EnterpriseUser/GetDetailedProjects but returns only distinct project types. Return format = JSON. This method originally created for use by the PDM application.


This legacy class is being deprecated

POST api/auth/hasaccess/{username}/{domainname}/{appid}/{enumid}

This method is being deprecated. Use api/Authorization/CanPeformOperation

POST api/auth/canperformoperation

This method is being deprecated. Use api/Authorization/CanPeformOperation


POST api/report/exportcomposite

No documentation available.

POST api/report/exportsupplementalquestions

No documentation available.


This legacy class is being deprecated

GET api/user/{username}/{domainname}

This method is being deprecated. Use api/EnterpriseUser/Get.

GET api/user/app/roles/{userid}/{appid}

This method is being deprecated. Use api/EnterpriseUser/GetApplicationRoles

GET api/user/projects/{userid}

This method is being deprecated. Use api/EnterpriseUser/GetProjects

GET api/user/projectdetails/{userid}

This method is being deprecated. Use api/EnterpriseUser/GetDetailedProjects


POST api/authorization/canperformoperation

JSON parameters: EnterpriseUserId, ApplicationId, OperationEnumId. Return type = string "true" or "false". Return format = plain text .